Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Whew! (?)

Well, the last couple of days, i have been alittle bit concerned about Kobb, my 32 year old Arab gelding. His girlfriend of choice is Honey, my 10 year old Paint mare who is blind and wild. But Kobb always comes into the barn to get his morning grain. The last 3 days he has not. So what is up? I actually took it outside for him and he ate it,so he wasnt sick. But i also noticed that Honey has been aggitated for the same number of days. Oh man! There is a possibility that Honey is pregnant. last year, we got Breeze back from his adopters- NOT gelded. We got him back December 2008. So we couldnt get him gelded at the time because of the cold. He was only about 8 months old, but certainly CAN breed if he chooses to. So for 4 months until we could get him gelded, he was with a couple of mares. After he got gelded, we gave the abortion shots to 2 mares. The 3rd mare, Honey, will not allow anyone to touch her, so i had to just take my chances on her. Last month i could have sworn that she was bigger on one side and getting quite beefy! Oh man! no! I just kept thinking that well, if she is pregnant, dont give birth in the real cold! So i have been watching her. Now, Kobb is watching her. Well i got my answer this morning to both situations! Honey is in heat! Kobb is just watching to make sure no other gelding in their group gets over to her while she is in heat! she is HIS girlfriend! Here I thought he knew that Honey was pregnant and going to give birth! Nope! If he cant have her, then nobody will! hA! Well I like that answer better than poor Honey giving birth to an Oops baby! What kind of foal would that have been?? Part Paint, Mustang and Welsh pony. yikes!! Could be cute, but what about conformation?? HA!! Anyhow, hopefully she isnt pregnant because she is in heat. But i wont breath easier until April! Get past April and that will be the latest she will go if she is pregnant.
Yesterday- I was asked to go to the UW Vet School to talk about my rescue! Boy was that fun! i do like talking about horses! I have spoke to a few groups and some 4-H kids. But that was more informal. Yesterday, I had made up a powerpoint presentation and actually presented this talk. Much more organized. I think i did ok and the people there had excellent questions. It looks like about 6-7 of this group of 20 (who were there) are going to be equine vets! Hopefully they will stay in Wisconsin! We need more here. Plenty of horses in Wisconsin! Lots of good ideas and hopefully i can help them get some experience with geldings, floatings and other things. They really dont have a good part in the program that deals with horses. Well - that might be why not many of them get into large animal or equine! A few of them are also looking for horses and i hopefully can help them find what they need when they are ready! anyhow, thank you for letting me talk and rant yesterday. Was very nice to be there!
Dont forget the Arena (At the Sandbar) tack sale on Sunday, Feb 21 at 10 am! I will be there with my stuff!
Hug your horses everyone!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Time flies

Well time flies when you are busy huh?? Oh yes, busy with getting taxes together, stuff for tack sales, and last weekend? My water tank fire! yes, that is right. My sinking water tank heater died on me a few weeks ago. I have one of those red floater tank heaters as a back up. I dont like using those because you know what horses like to do with those!! yes, pull them out, fling them around, that kind of thing. they get bored and play with them. Makes me nervous. Well I put it on Harley's side of the tank, he never plays with them. Well, the tank heater actually started my plastic water tank on fire! you can see the black part on the heater and then it must have flamed up. I went out in the morning last Saturday and it was fine, working. Then I come out at 3pm to show Antar to some prospective adopters. One lady says, look at your water tank! It was actually in flames! 3 quarters of it already burned! thank GOD it was outside and didnt burn inside of the barn! I have the tank shared between two paddocks. All of the horses not caring, but not over by it either! Wow! the fence didnt catch on fire either. So i was a lucky girl. So on a Saturday night, at 5:30 i had to go to farm and fleet, get a new tank (yes, a metal one) and a new water heater. $150.00 later, i got home and put it all together. Makes a bit nervous for sure. But this one is working. I think I will be taking pics of the tank and heater to show the manufacterer what these tank heaters can do. I have asked a few people and have found that it has happened to other folks! Yikes! What is up with that???
Anyhow, I am breathing easier. Got a metal water tank and a newer type of heater that is metal and sinks. I dont like the kind that goes into the plug of the metal water tank. I cant get them out, they seem to leak and then I cant find the plug! Horses will play with that too when the water gets low. So I will stick to the sinkable ones. Yes, they pull them out from time to time, but not as much as the floaters.
Anyhow, the Arena Tack sale is on Sunday, Feb 21 from 10 am to 4pm
Arlington Tack Sale is on Saturday, Feb 27 from 9 to 3pm. I am speaking to the 4-H kids at 11am regarding my rescue.
Giving a talk tot he UW Vet Students Tuesday (tomorrow) Feb 16 at noon.
Call from Mimi wanting to donate some Neighlox and some tack to the rescue, thank you Mimi! cindy from Burlington wanting to find a home for her retired Polo Pony HoBo so that information will be emailed to my horsey friends. Supposed to be in great shape and a close to bomb proof horse! His age is 23-25 but he is great shape per the owner and her vet! Has many years of riding if taken care of!
I will try to post at least 2 times a week. Sometimes, its hard when i am so busy at work. I try to do this during my lunch and breaks and sometimes I dont get lunches and breaks! Talk to you all soon!