Monday, October 25, 2010

Yes, we are here!

Wow, been over a month since i blogged? yikers! Oh well, no worries, I am here and still have my babies. Been busy working and taking care of the mob. But lately, just to tell you of a few different things happening. Yesterday, for a start, I had to finally get some decent amount of hay. I had been getting hay from a neighbor and either doing 7-8 bales in the Jeep (2 loads) every few days or he would come up with about 30 bales in his truck. Well, getting totally sick of doing that! But had to wait for enough money saved up to get some big amounts. Especially to last through the winter. I had volunteers come, (Michele, Rebecca, Ross, Corrine, Gordy and Shelli) come out and along with myself and Bob- the hay guy, we pulled together 317 from Bob and 100 from Vern. Vern is a guy who lives in Black Earth and dabbles in cutting hay from time to time. He had 100 bales sitting in his wagon in his shop for a month now. He called and gave me a great price on it and then brought up the hay wagon. We unloaded it to the corn silo. Still can get way more bales in there for sure! Then went to Bob's and he used his big trailer. We ended up on our biggest load getting 109 bales on it. Did 3 loads! We were all pretty tired of that. So we will finish in a few weeks and get more. i cannot believe what my barn looks like! Can i even fit another 300 bales in there? Do i want to get hay in the dead of winter? I will probably go through about 180 bales every month. Maybe so. I just hope i will still have help in the winter, but i think they will come to my rescue! We had a good time even with the bad backs, (Shelli has allergies and was her first time in volunteering!) sore hands and legs, we made it through. Great work everyone!! Was a nice day as well. Anyhow, the floor to the barn held up- at least for now! Will get pics soon. Another thing that happened today was Antar going in for surgery. His eye from uveitis has gotten so bad. He hurts, his eye weeped very bad. he didnt want to get on the trailer either today. He likes his herd and the last time he left, he went to a place, while nice, has just too many horses. He is more of a one on one kind of guy. At my place, he is sassy and wonderful especially at feed time. He along with Max and Kobb get senior food along with grain. Antar comes out every morning and every night for his senior. If other horses are in front of the gate preventing him to go out, he has a hissy fit, runs around the shelter and back kicks at the higher above horses! I have to start feeding the hay and then the other horses move away from the gate and then Antar is up at the gate looking at me, to hurry up and let him out! Anyhow, Brooke told me he did well with his surgery, which makes us both feel better. I know he had to have the surgery done. Brooke is a great mom. She loves him like crazy. Good thing she is also a vet student! So also they will work him up for his bowed tendon (that may be what he has), do his teeth, and his sheath. Take advantage of the doped up stage. Sorry for the sideways pic, i havent figured out how to rotate the dang picture! He should probably be staying for a few days. We are supposed to get a big storm and high winds. Probably not good for him to be out in the open! anyhow, thank god that antar is ok. He is such a good boy!