Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm back!

The Midwest Horse Fair was really, really great! For the most part. All 3 horses did well overall- A few mishaps, but not on my horses part! We get to the fair and find that the Andalusian group was on the other side of our stalls. And of course 2 stallions across from Antar and Lady. The BIG huge Stallion that looked like an Andalusian/Appy cross was very studly! He would try to climb over the back of the stall and he could actually put his head over the top and touch Antar! Boy Antar was scared to death. I go over to speak to the owners/managers and I am clearly upset about this. Antar scared to death! I tell the dude that hey, you have to control your horse. he says, 'oh he is alright' and I say, well he is scaring the be-jesus out of my horse! The stallion did this many times. They did tie him up which made him mad and then kick the stall very loudly. He did settle down by Friday and by the end of the weekend, Antar and the stallion were buds. Made me feel better. But i had to yell at the stallion to get down (which he did) many, many times. The stallion across from Lady didnt realize she was there until Friday/Sat in which he tried to climb over the back of the stall. Lady wasnt bothered by it, she just went into heat and drove him more crazy. But Lady loved him. The weekend was alot of fun. I did my 'rescue' talks. One on Friday, and one on Saturday. Both went well. About 20-25 people at each talk. I wasnt too nervous! But it went well. Donations not as good as past years. But I got a few prospects for the horses. Daevin was actually looked at by a family before Midwest but they came to see him in action in the outdoor arena. Brianna handled him like the pro she is! Even broke her stirrup leather and rode him with only one stirrup! you go girl! All horses did so well in the outdoor arena! Horses, people, traffic, parking lot, lots going on and all werent too nervous at all! We also had Antar and Lady in a demonstration on Sunday morning with Bob Jeffries and Suzanne Jeffries. At first (i wasnt there yet) there was about 30 seconds of feedback with the sound system and was very loud and all horses got very scared and freaked out. That is all except Lady who was very calm during the whole thing! What a good girl!! Although the weekend gets stressful and very busy, it was so good to see so many people i know and the folks who have emailed me over the year that I didnt meet until fair. Meeting you all is such a highlight to my life! This is the best weekend of the year for my rescue! Anyhow, I would like to thank the following people who came to help me out! And thanks to Jean, my vet who did come out but didnt have to because my horses were not injured!! Rebecca rode both Lady and Antar, Brianna on Daevin and Antar and Michele rode Lady. VERY impressed with all of them! I love you!
Michele Linke
Cherie LaBissoniere
Jodi Pursley
Brianna Pursley
Rebecca Westphal and her mom Mary
Olivia Goth
Ross Butler
Cate Heath and her brother Colton
Helen and Morgan Melton
Olivia Schjonber and Brian Born
Gosh, more and I can think right now, but will update when i remember!
Also some pictures from the Fair!
Thank you all for making the weekend of Midwest Horse Fair one to remember!

1 comment:

  1. i missed you twice by seconds should have stayed just a little bit longer! :p
