Monday, June 21, 2010

Tired and stressed!

Hello Everyone!
Is is morning??? What day is today? My gosh, my brain is totally fried. I still packing the house, going through the garage, working 2 jobs and moving horses and horse tack. Thursday night.... Wow, what a whirlwind. I had my friends, Barb and Joe with a trailer and my neighbor Steve with his trailer. I was going to have my vet come out to sedate horses (2) to transport to the new place. I also had helping, Jodi, Brianna, Helen, Austin, Morgan, (barb's daughter- sorry i cant remember her name right now!), Rebecca and Ross. We needed to haul 7-8 horses and panels. took us a few loads, but it was done. My poor Vet Jean, got hurt Thursday morning. She literally had a Jackass that actually fell on her while she was working on him/her. I hear she is fine, but very sore and badly bruised. Well the horses that needed sedation but they got on without sedation. Used coaxing, butt lines and then finally panels finally did the trick with those two (Mya and Breeze). Poor Brianna was the only one to get hurt during this processed. Baby Breeze kicked her square in her upper thigh. She is doing better, thank goodness. It actually went quite well with Honey and Kobb. I got her in the barn with some grain, shut the doors and then we moved them up with panels to the end of the barn, backed the trailer up the doors and then let them go to the trailer. Honey seemed so trusting. If you dont know who Honey is, she is my paint mare who is blind and feral. Even after almost 3 years, she will still not allow me to touch her. But she and Kobb did well. Kobb is taking good care of her at the new place and sticking to her like glue until she gets the feel of the place and knows where her boundries are. Yesterday, we got together all of the rest of the horse tack and took it up. Michelle and Rebecca helped with that! Unfortunately Harley will not be making the trip. He is just too unbalanced to go on a trailer ride. Me and Harley are hanging out at my place until its time for Jean to come out and let him go to Horse Heaven. Dont worry, Harley is doing fine without the other horses as well. I am giving him plenty of love, grain and treats. He is going about his business like there isnt any difference or no other horses there. I was worried about him, but he is a good boy and loves his routine. It helps me as well not having the horses here with me. I go up at least once a day (if not twice) to check on the horses. There is a couple who lives at the place that I will be moving into and she is watching and has my numbers in case there is a problem. I have electric up there but it doesnt seem to be working at this time! So a call to John will be made today! I have this sick feeling in my stomach. Called stressed. I will be so glad when this is all over. I close on my house on Friday, and then move into the house a week from Wednesday. Trying to get all packed. But man, do i have wonderful friends. Even Helen's family has been up to see the horses and make sure they are ok! Thank you for that! I do appreciate the help. Like i have said before, I would have never been able to do this on my own. Never. I will be off of work from JUne 23 noon and not go back to my day job until July 6, Tuesday. I go back to Walmart on July 2. I just have this one more hurdle in moving stuff into the garage on June 24 and then moving the stuff out on June 30. And then i will be in my new home. I hope the new owners of my home will love it like i have - for 17 years. It will be hard, but i will make it through. thank you so much all of you for your support, help and love. I love you all!
Will hopefully give you an update by the end of the week. And say a prayer for Harley! He is such a good boy.

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