Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lovin this weather!

It is November and still we have mostly 50 degree weather. Yippee! I love this weather, the horses love this weather! Sure beats 20's and tons of snow? Why am I in Wisconsin? Oh yeah, job and family. Keep reminding myself. I do love Wisconsin, just dont like the cold. The real cold. And now that i have moved, i dont know what to expect here. i am at the top of a hill, where the winds are trecherous. But my horses for the most part of pretty hardy. Horses have been outside for hundreds of years and do well as long as they have fresh water and good hay. And they do, always.
Antar has had a few hard days with his eye. Brooke came over to take the gauze out, ok, did she tell me that it was going to be 6 ft long? My gosh. i would freak out too with someone taking out a piece of gauze that would never end! he bonked me pretty good in the head and it still is sensitive. Good thing, i dont have alot of brain cells left! Antar did well when he came home from his surgery last week. On Sunday night (why is always on a Sunday night?) he was shaking his head, and laying down when i got out. Now, he hasnt really wanted me to touch his face much but when he let me touch his head i knew something was wrong. He didnt want his grain, ok, go back, he didnt want to come out for his grain. i finally figured out that it was the bending over to eat grain or hay that was bothering him. Well i called the on-call vet and she was very informative (including saying, we were brave to take that gauze out ourselves!! ok! he was in pain and in distress. Gave him some banamine and watched him. In an hour he was back up and eating his hay. Next night, Monday night, he came out to get his grain, but laid down immediately. I put his pail of grain next to him and he began eating right away- That is how i realized that he was hungry and wanted to eat, but the pain was there in his eye and head when he bent over. Gave him his banamine- i gave it to Antar orally and he is a good boy with all meds. giving 9 cc's IM is sometimes a challenge. But Antar? Not, him, he is a good boy all around. The mornings, you cant ever tell he is having a problem. Last night, he came out ate his grain standing up and then went back in. I did give him some banamine again, but at a lower dose. I am hoping now this is the downhill part of his illness and that i can breath a bit easier.
Hey! Can you guys guess what? I get to go out tonight! My neighbor, Jerry came over to ask me if I would like to play euchre with him tonight and next Wednesday! Oh yeah, baby! Getting out and playing one of my favorite games? you know what is a bit funny/odd? In my young- to mid 20's i was on a euchre league. We paid 5 bucks to play (on Wednesday nights). Well tonight is Wednesday and its still 5 bucks! HA! Ok, so i tend to play a bit on the gutsy side, thanks to my Aunt Patty. She is a tiger playing cards. An itty bitty little thing she is, but she is dang tough! All of the sisters are! Mary, Patty and my mom Katy. tough girls, indeed. Love them all. Anyhow, hope your week is going well. I was out sick for alot of last week and am now just finally feeling better. Hope to write some more later this week, but you know, my life is quite boring at times and nothing good to report. But maybe some rich, good looking, sweet AND single man will be there and sweep me off of my feet! yep, that is what i am going for! HA! Ok, so i am a dreamer.

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